
Friday, June 29, 2007

"On June 26, 2007, IBM unveiled Blue Gene/P, the second generation of the Blue Gene supercomputer. Designed to run continuously at one petaflops, it can be configured to reach speeds in excess of three petaflops."
"modeling an entire human organ to determine drug interactions. Drug researchers could run simulated clinical trials on 27 million patients in one afternoon using just a sliver of the machine’s full power"

"Blue Gene/Q will reach 3-10 petaflops."

T-Mobile WiFi Phone

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Desktop hard drives will be able to store 5+ years of music in 2009.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

3D Images-Haptics

Saturday, June 23, 2007

"Justin Rattner, Intel's CTO, noted that Larrabee will be their 'first tera-scale processor' and that it is aimed at a 2010 release, or possibly 2009 if things go especially smoothly.

Justin also reiterated that Larrabee will deliver 'well in excess' of one teraflop of processing power."

Friday, June 22, 2007

Second Life and Google Earth Combined

Laser Surgery

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"According to Nitin Borkar, the chip has terabytes of core-to-core bandwidth to match its teraflops of processing."
A hard drive in a $1,000 computer will be about a petabyte in 2017.
There will probably be about a terabyte+ of RAM then.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Russian Federal Space Agency says that they plan to be mining helium-3 from the moon in 2020.
"A plot of the growth of the semiconductor industry, and the growth of the gross national product... The curves cross in something like 2020."
-Gordon Moore, An Intel Founder

Sunday, June 17, 2007
The human body will basically be able to be simulated on a supercomputer in 2014.
Another possible "virtual" gadget: force field containers.

"The cell processor is going to be a teraflop by 2010."

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

RFID: The End of Privacy

"Imagine this: you walk into a local store and within seconds the people on duty know your pants size (and how much it fluctuates), that you prefer chocolate ice cream, that you buy a new tube of hemorrhoid cream every three months or so, which stores you usually shop in, your credit rating, and the number of miles currently on all four of your tires - and that's just for starters. Science fiction? No, science fact: the technology is already here. It's just a matter of deploying it. "

Smaller than grain of sand RFID

Hitachi plans to sell RFID in 2009...

"NASA Building Nanobot Swarm"
In 2029, supercomputers will be about a million times faster than the human brain.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Youtube on mobile phones by 2008

"Military Target: Solar-Beaming Satelites"

"The military has funded MIT to come up with Internet in the brain by 2018."
(not sure about credibility of the source)

Friday, June 08, 2007

"In 2010, [Toyota] intends to start selling next-generation household robots to help people receive visitors, raise children and provide nursing care for sick and elderly patients, company officials said.

With the birthrate declining and the population aging, Toyota expects these robots to be in high demand to make up for labor shortages, especially in the services industry, the officials said.

The company expects robot-production to become a major business unit following its automobile and housing divisions, the officials said. A liaison group will be set up with Toyota affiliates, including auto parts maker Denso Corp., to further advance robot technologies."

Microsoft Surface

"We aren't just getting better computers. The exponential improvements in computation are fueling exponential trends in all areas of technology. To picture this we have to add a z-axis to our graph."

People probably won't need to sleep in 2030 because of nanorobots...

"Future Science Could End Need To Eat Food, by 2030"

"To feed each of our trillions of cells the precise formula of nutrients needed throughout the day requires advance computer-crunching technologies not expected until the late 2020s."


"Experts predict that by 2015, a comprehensive personal genome is expected to be available for under a $1,000."

Neuromemory chip

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Monday, June 04, 2007

The movie Faceoff could kind of be a reality in 2015 with augmented reality.
The $1,000 genome should be possible in a few years.
Around 2001, "while working on his doctoral thesis, Hubert created a universal 'pick-and-place' nano-assembly machine, capable of picking up and assembling thousands of atoms of almost any material at one time. His device could potentially be used for moving and patterning segments of DNA strands, ultimately enabling doctors to discover genetic-related diseases in a matter of minutes—long before the patient showed any symptoms.

In 2000, Hubert received a patent for his plastic memory chip. Composed of aluminized plastic, it is mechanically flexible and cheaper to produce than a silicon chip, but still capable of storing digital information, even when the power is off. The design is ideal for smart cards, digital cameras and portable computational devices."

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Automation of Medicine

Saturday, June 02, 2007

RFID In The Hospital

Friday, June 01, 2007

RFID [or something like it] could allow totally automatic checkout at a store.

Cell phones could be embedded in credit cards.

"40%[-58%] efficient solar cells to be used for solar electricity"